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Artikel 1 - 15 von 25

Piccadilly Revels Band - The Desert Song, Waltz / The Desert Song, Fox Trot

5,95 € *

Concertina Solo by Alexander Prince - Estudiantina Waltz / Il Bacio

7,50 € *
Alter Preis: 11,90 €

Bert Ralton - Always / Valencia

6,50 € *

Bert Ralton - Always / Valencia

4,00 € *

B.C.C. Dance Orchestra Henry Hall - Come out Vienna / Dance pretty Lady

12,50 € *

Jeanne Horsten en Louis Noiret - Lenteverwachting / Jongelief

7,50 € *

Larry Adler - Genevieve: Genevieve Waltz / Love theme and Blues

12,50 € *

M. Tino Rossi - Marinella / J'aime les femmes c'est ma folie

9,90 € *

Paul Whiteman - 'Taint so , honey, ' taint so / Chiquita

6,50 € *
Alter Preis: 8,50 €

The B.B.C. Dance Orchestra: Henry Hall - The Travelling Salesman / A Feather In Her Tyrolean Hat

9,90 € *

Ferera's Hawaiian Instrumental Quartette - Mahina Malamalama / Flower of Hawaii

25,50 € *

M. Jean Sorbier - Tu me dis: non! / C'est une valse qui chante

5,00 € *
Alter Preis: 7,50 €

Eddy's Hawaiian Serenaders - Angela Mia / Dolores

12,50 € *

Paul Whiteman - Blue Night / Where is the song of songs for me ?

19,90 € *

Victor Silvester - The Excuse me Waltz / I'm trying so hard to forget you

7,50 € *