Seite 5 von 6
Artikel 61 - 75 von 87

Almirante - Marchinha Do Grande Gallo / Vem Meu Amor

8,50 € *

Duke Ellington - Dusk / Warm Valley

9,90 € *

Philip Spitalny - I must habe Company / Worried

7,50 € *

Paul Whiteman - Gypsy Blues / When Buddha Smiles

7,90 € *

Paul Whiteman - Three O'Clock in the Morning / Oriental Fox Trot

7,50 € *

Bert Shefter - S O S / Locomotive

18,70 € *

Nat Shilkret - Barcelona / On the Riviera

18,50 € *

Nat Shilkret - Up In The Clouds / Thinking Of You

9,90 € *

Paul Whiteman - Mary / Changers

9,90 € *

Paul Whitemann - Just A Memory / Cheerie Beerie Bee

14,50 € *

Pauline Alpert - Magnolia / Hallelujah

9,90 € *

Paul Whiteman - Cherie / My Man ( Mon Homme )

14,50 € *

Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra - Dear Old Southland / They Call It Dancing

7,50 € *

Joseph C. Smith - Evensong Waltz / Get Off My Foot

14,50 € *

Marcel Wittrisch - Meine Mutter war ein rheinisches Kind / Ich bin ja so vergnügt

9,90 € *