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Items 136 - 150 of 150

The four Aces - Sluefoot / I'm in the mood for Love

12,50 € *

Joe Green`s Novelty Marimba Band - That Melody Of Love / Mondnacht auf der Donau

9,90 € *

Kitty Kallen / Four Aces - Little Things Mean A Lot / Three Coins in The Fountain

9,90 € *
Old price: 12,50 €

The Angelo-Persians - Dancing Tambourine / A Siren Dream

12,50 € *

Connie Boswell - Outside of Paradise / I let a song go out of my heart

16,50 € *

Helmut Zacharias-Quintett - Swing 48 / Those little white lies

16,50 € *

Helen Lee and his Dipsy Doodlers - On a slow boat to China / On the little Village green

7,90 € *

Wingie Mannone - No.19-Up the country / No.20-Big Butter-and-Egg Man

10,50 € *

Edelhagen All Stars - Jazz 1954 / Fine and Dandy

17,50 € *

Brocksi-Quartett - Die Trommel und ihr Rhythmus / Ich wüsst' so gern

16,50 € *

Brocksi-Quartett - Rip-Tip-Tap / So ist es...

12,50 € *

Dance Orchestra " Los Castilians" - Diablesa / Munequita de trapo

12,50 € *

Joe Green's Novelty Marimba Band - That Melody of Love / Mondnacht auf der Donau

9,90 € *

Henry King and his Orchestra - Where or when / The Lady is a tramp

9,90 € *

Gilbert Roussel - Music Box Tango / Der kleine Esel

9,90 € *