Nicht mehr ganz VERY GOOD- aber noch zu gut für GOOD+
Seite 6 von 9
Artikel 76 - 90 von 132

Jack Blake - Headin' for Louisville / Picador

8,50 € *

Ken Mackintosch - Creeping Tom / Lovers in the Dark

8,50 € *
Alter Preis: 12,50 €

Eddie Calvert - My yiddisher momme / Hora Stacato

8,50 € *

Dickie Hendersen - Ev'rybody falls in Love with someone / A house with love in it

7,50 € *

Margaret Whiting - The End of a Love affair / Good morning mister Echo

5,00 € *

Ted Heath - Jungle Fantasy / Listen to my Music

6,50 € *

Dinah Shore - So in Love / Always true to you in my fashion

9,90 € *

Billy Whitlock - Scotch hot / Two of Irish

7,50 € *

The new Music of Reginald Doresythe - Serenade for a wealthy widow / Angry Jungle

7,50 € *

Joe Daniels - Smoke rings / A man and his Drum

7,50 € *

The Mills Brothers - Swing it, Sister / Money in my pockets

39,90 € *

Eddie Fisher - My one and only Love / Magic Fingers

7,50 € *

Vaughn Monroe - Meet me tonight in dreamland / My Isle of golden dreams

8,50 € *

Primo Scala's Accordeon Band - Anna from Anacapresi / Joseph, the Juggler

7,50 € *

Primo Scala's Accordeon Band - Hill-Billy Medley Part I and II

8,50 € *