Nicht mehr ganz VERY GOOD- aber noch zu gut für GOOD+
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Artikel 16 - 27 von 27

Norrie Paramor - The poor People of Paris / The Threepenny Opera

7,00 € *
Alter Preis: 9,90 €

Joe Loss - Let´s Dance At The Make Believe Ballroom / Sweet Sue, Just You

16,50 € *
Alter Preis: 39,90 €

The Savoy Havana Band - Nights in the woods / Just Keep on Dancing

9,90 € *
Alter Preis: 16,50 €

The Savoy Orpheans - Dream melody / In a tent

8,50 € *
Alter Preis: 11,50 €

The Beverley Sisters - Mother Never told me / Undecided

16,50 € *
Alter Preis: 22,50 €

Woody Herman - Keen And Peachy / Four Brothers

8,50 € *
Alter Preis: 12,50 €

Carroll Gibbons - Piano Parade of 1938

7,90 € *
Alter Preis: 9,90 €

Organ Solo by Jack Courtnay - The world is waiting for the sunsrise / Just a cottage small

5,95 € *
Alter Preis: 9,90 €

Steel Guitar Novelty by Frank Ferera - Always / Lady Lady of Waikiki

5,95 € *
Alter Preis: 9,90 €

Jo Stafford and Frankie Laine - In The Cool,Cool,Cool Of The Evening / That's Good! That' s Bad !

9,99 € *
Alter Preis: 11,50 €

Guy Mitchelll - My Truly,Truly Fair / Who knows Love

6,99 € *
Alter Preis: 8,50 €

Frankie Laine, The Norman Luboff Choir - When you're in Love / The Gandy Dancer's Ball

8,49 € *
Alter Preis: 9,90 €