Nicht mehr ganz VERY GOOD- aber noch zu gut für GOOD+
Seite 48 von 56
Artikel 706 - 720 von 832

Milton Hayes - The Meanderings Of Monty No.20 , Part 1. / Part 2.

7,50 € *

Joan Hammond - La Tosca / Gianni Schicchi

7,50 € *

Eddie Carrol - Top of the World

16,50 € *

Gene Austin - My blue heaven / Are you thinking of me to-night?

9,90 € *

Marek Weber - Just once for all time / Live, laugh and love

16,50 € *
12,50 € *
9,90 € *

The Street Singer - Somewhere in the west / As you desire me

12,50 € *

The Southlanders - Peanuts / I Never Dreamed

9,90 € *

Duke Ellington - Dusk / Blue Goose

19,90 € *

Jane Powell - Wonder Why / I Can See You

14,50 € *

Johnny Brandon - Tomorrow / High as a Mountain

8,90 € *
12,50 € *

Eddie MacDonald - The Bridge of sighs / When you hear Big Ben

6,50 € *

Lucrezia Bori - Ciribiribin / Il Bacio

9,90 € *