Nicht mehr ganz VERY GOOD- aber noch zu gut für GOOD+
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Artikel 1 - 15 von 209

Dean Martin - Memories are made of this / Change of heart

16,50 € *

Les Paul und Mary Ford - How High The Moon / Mockin' Bird Hill

9,90 € *

Al Martino - Take my heart / I never cared

7,50 € *

Martha Tilton - Gotta get me Somebody to Love / Honeyfoglin' Time

6,50 € *

Nat "King" Cole - Autumn Leaves / Love is a many splendored thing

16,50 € *

Ray Anthony - When the saints go Marching in March / That's my weakness now

6,50 € *

Red Norvo's Nine - I'll follow you / Bop!

6,50 € *

Sharkey - I'm satisfied with my Gal / Over the waves

6,50 € *

Stan Kenton - Intermission Riff / It's a pity to say goodnight

6,50 € *

Stan Kenton - Journey to Brazil / Ecuador

6,50 € *

Ann Jones and Smokey Rogers - Bloodshot eyes / Doin' fine

6,50 € *
Alter Preis: 12,50 €

Stan Kenton - Rika Jika Jack / Artistry in Boogie

6,50 € *

Skitch Henderson - Pattern in Lace / How many is der of ya?

6,50 € *

Skitch Henderson - Swan Lake / Cynthia's in Love

6,50 € *

Stan Kenton - Shoo fly pie / I been down in Texas

6,50 € *