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Items 1 - 13 of 13

Zeke Manners - When my Blue Moon turns to Gold again / I betcha my Heart I Love You

5,00 € *

Caney / Noro Morales - Rumba Rhapsody / Caribbean Serenade

4,00 € *

Four Aces - Melody of Love / There is a Tavern in the Town

3,50 € *
6,50 € *

Harry James - My Silent Love, The Mole / Count Basie - Taps Miller

16,50 € *
Old price: 35,50 €

Joe Lazarz - Pizzicato Polka / My Peggy

5,00 € *

Franzen och Holt - Styrmansvalsen / Faglarna vid backen

4,00 € *

Harry James - One o'Clock Jump / Two o'Clock Jump

5,00 € *

Jerry Wayne - I'd love to live in Loveland / Your heart and mine

5,00 € *

Boyd Raeburn and his Orchestra - Rip Van Winkle / Yerxa

5,00 € *

Bing Crosby - Mexicali Rose / Silver on the sage

7,50 € *

Old Ced Odom and Lil Diamonds Hardaway - Derbytown / Hotter than Fire

14,50 € *

Ray Noble - The Wish That I Wish Tonight / So-o-o-o In Love

7,90 € *