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Items 46 - 60 of 69

Norman Brooks - Hello, Sunshine / You're my Baby

8,90 € *

Norman Brooks - I'd like to be in your shoes, baby / I'm kinda crazy

8,90 € *

Norman Brooks - I'd like to be in your shoes, baby / I'm kinda crazy

8,90 € *

Norman Brooks - Somebody Wonderful / You shouldn't have kissed me the first time

8,90 € *

Norman Brooks / The Go Boys - I can't give you anything but love / Johnny's tune

9,90 € *

Boyd Raeburn and his Orchestra - Boyd Meets Stravinsky / I only have eyes for you

9,90 € *
Old price: 19,90 €

Boyd Raeburn and his Orchestra - Boyd Meets Stravinsky / I only have eyes for you

14,50 € *

Boyd Raeburn and his Orchestra - Rip Van Winkle / Yerxa

5,00 € *

Wingy Mannone - Just one Girl / She's Cryin' for me

25,50 € *

Roy Smeck - Drifting and dreaming / Let me call you sweetheart

19,90 € *

Bunny Berigan -An old straw hat / Lovelight in the Starlight

16,50 € *

Bunny Berigan - I dance alone / Rinka Tinka Man

16,50 € *

Joe Holiday Sextet - Donde / Joe Black Mambo

9,90 € *

Jack Rivers Boys - Schottische / Heel and toe Polka

11,50 € *

Chickie WIlliams - Beyond thr sunset / Bright red Horizon

16,50 € *