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Items 1 - 13 of 13

Ted Newman - Plaything / Unlucky me

9,90 € *

The All Star Stompers - Can't we be friends / I never knew I could love anybody

5,00 € *
Old price: 9,90 €

Earl Hines - Straight Life / Now that you're mine

6,50 € *

Bunny Berigan -An old straw hat / Lovelight in the Starlight

16,50 € *

Bunny Berigan - I dance alone / Rinka Tinka Man

16,50 € *

Jack Rivers Boys - Schottische / Heel and toe Polka

11,50 € *

Chickie WIlliams - Beyond thr sunset / Bright red Horizon

16,50 € *

Hugh Ashley - Cold cold heart / Rhumba Boogie

16,50 € *

Guitar Gable - Guitar Rhumbo / The Gladiolas - Little Darlin`

14,50 € *

Amos Milburn - Roomin' House Boogie / Empty arms Blues

16,50 € *

Bob Crosby - Come with me my honey / Java Junction

8,50 € *

George Barnes Sextet - Lover come back to me / Pink Elephants

19,90 € *

Tab Smith his Fabulous Alto and Orchestra - Mr. Gee / In a little spanish town

7,90 € *