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Items 1 - 15 of 16

Mario Chamlee - Only a rose / Here in my arms

9,90 € *
Old price: 19,90 €

Horace Heidt and his Brigadiers - Gone With The Wind / The Miller´s Daughter Marianne

6,50 € *
Old price: 19,90 €

Bing Crosby, Lennie Hayton and his Orchestra - The last round-up / Home on the range

9,90 € *

Mae West - A guy what takes his time / Easy Rider

45,50 € *

Russ Morgan Manner - Lights Out / Ragging The Scale

14,50 € *

Jack Teagarden - Persian Rug / The Sheik of Araby

16,50 € *

Red Nichols - The Sheik of Araby / Shim-me-sha-wabble

7,50 € *

Eddy Duchin - Night and Day / After You

19,90 € *

Casa Loma Orchestra - The Dance of the Lame Duck / Blue Perlude

19,90 € *

Kenn Sisson - Hello cutie / La Lo La

9,90 € *

Al Jolson - There´s A Rainbow Round My Shoulder / Sonny Boy

7,50 € *

Rex Stewart - Basin Street Blues / Run To The Corner

14,50 € *

Colonial Club Orchestra - Song Of The Islands / Moonlight On The Lagoon

7,90 € *

Lee Sims - What's the use of crying? / Pal of my lonesome hours

7,50 € *

Jack Teagarden and Orchestra - Persian Rug / The Sheik of Araby

6,50 € *
Old price: 8,50 €