Schlager / Chanson / Tanzmusik

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Artikel 106 - 120 von 147

Eartha Kitt - The Day the Circus left Town / I've got that lovin' bug itch

35,50 € *
7,50 € *

Edmundo Ros - Money,Money,Money-Calypso / Jungle Drums

5,00 € *

Will Glahe - Weekend / Jede Stunde ohne dich

8,50 € *

Sidney Torch - Intermezzo / Hora Stacato

7,50 € *

Turner Layton - Something To Remeber You By / The Last Time I Saw Paris

9,90 € *

Chick Endor - Ramona / I've always wanted to call you my sweetheart

16,50 € *

Edmundo Ros - Francesca / Coffee, Cocoa, Tea

16,50 € *

New Princes Toronto Band - Sunny Havana / Save Your Sorrow ( For To-Morrow )

9,90 € *

J.H. Squire Celeste Octet - The Butterfly / The Grashoppers' Dance

7,50 € *

Associated Glee Club of America - Discovery / A Plainsman's Song

12,50 € *

Milton Hayes - The Meanderings Of Monty No.20 , Part 1. / Part 2.

7,50 € *

Eddie MacDonald - The Bridge of sighs / When you hear Big Ben

6,50 € *

The Singing Sophomores - Tip Toes / When The Red, Red Robin, Comes Bob, Bob, Bobbin' Along

12,50 € *

Marty Wilde and his Wildcats - Endless Sleep/ Her Hair Was Yellow

9,90 € *