Jazz / Swing / Blues / Country

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Artikel 181 - 195 von 5263

Carl Hoff - Miss you / The Son of a Gun who picks on Uncle Sam

7,90 € *

Chris Hamalton - South Rampart Street Parade / Whistling Rufus

7,90 € *

David Whitfield - Lady of Madrid / Mama

7,90 € *

Everybody sings with Johnston Brothers - Somebody stole my Gal / If you knew Susie

7,90 € *

Frank Weir - Journey into space / Serenade to an empty Room

7,90 € *

Gracie Fields - Blue Bird of Happiness / Green-up Time

7,90 € *

Gracie Fields - The Lord's Prayer / Bless this House

12,50 € *

Jan August - Oye Negra / Jan's Cucaracha

5,00 € *
Alter Preis: 12,50 €

Jimmie Dorsey and his Orchestra - Washington Hrays / Tap Dancers' Nightmare

6,00 € *
Alter Preis: 8,50 €

Joan Regan - Prize of Gold / Too many Heartaches

7,90 € *

Johnston Brothers - The Right to be wrong / Chee Chee-oo chee

7,90 € *

Lew Preston - Doin' it right / Some glad Day

7,50 € *

Ted Heath - Dickory Dock / Baia

7,90 € *

The Duchess - Ragging the Scale / Kitten on the Keys

7,90 € *

Vera Lynn - Addio Amore / I do

8,90 € *