more traces of use, sonic wear from light greying. A substandard copy, more scratches, often played accordant *V+*
Page 5 of 59
Items 61 - 75 of 879

5,00 € *
Old price: 7,50 €

The Blue Lyres - Marching along together / Let's all dance the Polka

5,00 € *

The Lawtons - Weep no more / You oughta see my Baby

5,00 € *
Old price: 16,50 €
5,00 € *

Arthur Fields / Irving Kaufman - Pig Latin Love / Take your Girlie to the Movies

4,00 € *

Huszar Margit / Hegedüs Lajos- Most A Mikor Minden Virag / Ott A Hol A Maros Vize

4,00 € *

Jenö Fesca - Der Obersteiger, Potpourri Teil I und II

3,50 € *

Jenö Fesca - Die Fledermaus, Potpourri Teil I und II

3,50 € *

Kirlay Ernö - Megvan Irva A Sors Könyvebe / Neha, Neha Visszajönnek A Tavaszi Almok

4,00 € *

Victor Concert Orchestra - Narcissus / Spring Song

4,50 € *

The Merry Macs - Rose o'Day / By-u By-o

4,00 € *

Liggy and Schoenberger - Young and old / Home again

4,00 € *

Peerless Quartet / Albert Campbell, Henry Burr - My Mammy / Underneath Hawaiian Skies

4,00 € *

Fred van Eps / John J, Kimmel - Irish Hearts / Medley of Jigs

2,00 € *

Franz Baumann - Aus der Jugendzeit / Die alten Straßen noch

3,50 € *