inferior average copy with more noticeable rubs and marks; light greying, some scratches possible accordant *E-*
Page 87 of 391
Items 1291 - 1305 of 5857

Salon-Tanz-Orchester - Mein Traum / Lotosblumen

6,50 € *

Bing Crosby, Lennie Hayton and his Orchestra - The last round-up / Home on the range

9,90 € *
7,50 € *

Vic Lewis - The 1949 Super Rhythm-Style Series No 9 / The 1949 Super Rhythm-Style Series No 10

7,50 € *

Großes Salon-Orchester - Träume auf dem Ozean / Indra-Walzer

6,50 € *

Paul Godwin - Tango auf Tango, Tango-Potpourri Teil I und II

6,50 € *

Tito Schipa - O Colombina, il tenero fido Arlecchin / Chiudo gli occhi

7,50 € *

Charlie Kunz - Charlie Kunz Piano Medley No R 13

5,50 € *

Charlie Kunz - Charlie Kunz Piano Medley No. D. 29

5,50 € *

Charlie Kunz - Charlie Kunz Piano Medley No. R. 5

2,00 € *

Charlie Kunz - Charlie Kunz Piano Medley, No D. 48

5,50 € *
Old price: 7,50 €

Charlie Kunz - Charlie Kunz Piano Medley, No. D.101 Part I and II

5,50 € *

Charlie Kunz - The Kunz Medley No 6 Teil I und II

6,00 € *
4,50 € *
5,00 € *