inferior average copy with more noticeable rubs and marks; light greying, some scratches possible accordant *E-*
Page 75 of 392
Items 1111 - 1125 of 5867

Godfrey - Where the mountains meet the moon / Melancholy Baby

6,50 € *

Monty Kelly - Granada / Snow, Snow

6,50 € *

Theodore Chaliapine - The Prophet, Op. 49 / Song of the Volga Boatman

16,50 € *

Columbia Militaer Kapelle - Hoch unsere Trudy / Scvhwaebisches Liederpotpourri

6,50 € *

Enrico Caruso - Dreams of long ago / unbespielt (Motiv sitzender Engel)

16,50 € *

Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra - Tasse-Noisette (Nutcracker) Suite

8,50 € *

The Harmonicats - Peg o' my Heart / Fantasy Impromptu

5,00 € *
8,50 € *
16,50 € *
12,50 € *

Louisa Tetrazzini - La, La, la-Grand' aria di Caterina / Nella calma

6,50 € *

Parlophon-Orchester: F. Kark - Fantasie aus Rigoletto, Teil I und II

5,00 € *
8,50 € *
Old price: 15,50 €
8,50 € *
16,50 € *