inferior average copy with more noticeable rubs and marks; light greying, some scratches possible accordant *E-*
Page 66 of 392
Items 976 - 990 of 5876

Zutty Singleton - Oh Didn`t He Ramble / Crawfish

6,50 € *

Fats Waller - The minor drag / Harlem Fuss

16,50 € *

Jelly-Roll Morton - Pretty Lil / Little Lawrence

5,00 € *

Jimmy Lunceford - Posin' / Put on your old grey bonnet

6,50 € *

Eric Helgar - Kleine Melodie / Lach´ein bisserl - wein´ein biserl

6,50 € *
Old price: 10,50 €
8,50 € *
8,50 € *
8,50 € *

Ferdy Kauffmann - Heinzelmännchens Wachtparade / J.-Tipferl-Polka

8,50 € *

Großes Blasorchester - Carmen-Marsch / Nibelungen-Marsch

5,00 € *
Old price: 7,50 €
5,00 € *

Karl Böhm - Fledermaus-Ouvertüre Teil I und II

5,00 € *
12,50 € *

Lionel Hampton - Flyin' on a V-Disc Part I and II

7,50 € *
7,50 € *