inferior average copy with more noticeable rubs and marks; light greying, some scratches possible accordant *E-*
Page 16 of 22
Items 226 - 240 of 320

Stan Freeman - The St. Louis Blues / Come ON-a Stan's House

8,50 € *

Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra - Home in Pasadena / Mona Vanna

7,50 € *

Enric Madriguera - Ballerina / Jungle Rhumba

9,90 € *

Herbert Coleman - Big Mole / Todd Duncan - Thousands Of Miles

13,60 € *

Rusty Draper - Free Home Demonstration / Gambler's Guitar

8,90 € *

Lionel Hampton - Red Top / Giddy-Up

8,50 € *

Casa Loma Orchestra - The Dance of the Lame Duck / Blue Perlude

19,90 € *

Billy Daniels - If I Could Be With You / Lady Of The Evening

9,90 € *

Ralph Marterie - Lulu / Perdido

9,90 € *
14,50 € *

Kenn Sisson - Hello cutie / La Lo La

9,90 € *

Rex Stewart's big eight - Dutch treat / Rexercise

8,50 € *

Chickie WIlliams - Beyond thr sunset / Bright red Horizon

16,50 € *

Hugh Ashley - Cold cold heart / Rhumba Boogie

16,50 € *

Wiley and Gene - After I'm gone / Bothered by the Blues

6,90 € *