inferior average copy with more noticeable rubs and marks; light greying, some scratches possible accordant *E-*
Page 60 of 87
Items 886 - 900 of 1302

Xavier Cugat - Kashmiri Love Song / In A Person Market

11,50 € *

Carroll Gibbons - Born To Dance ( Film Selection ) Teil 1. / Teil. 2

8,50 € *

Karel Vacek - Haj Nejhe Cich Vzpominek / Václav Bláha - Má Mala Vesnicko Na Suma Vé

14,50 € *

Cornel-Trio - Der alte Schloßteich / Spiel' mir eine alte Melodie

6,50 € *

Le Grand Orchestre Bohémien - Trau -Schau- Wem / Carmen- Silvia

9,90 € *

Bing Crosby - Thanks / Down The Old Ox Road

9,90 € *

Lawrence Welk - Mairzy Doats / Don´t Sweetheart Me

6,90 € *

Börge Friis - Melodische Rhythmen, 10. Folge

6,90 € *
Old price: 9,90 €

Mantovani Orch. - The Song from the Moulin Rouge / Vola Colomba

5,50 € *

Sid Phillips - Clarinet Marmalade - Quickstep / Russian Rag

9,90 € *

Bill Kilima - Der letzte Mohikaner / Ich hol' mein Pony ais dem Stall

6,90 € *

Curt Andersen - Muted Love / Sun Valley

12,50 € *

Curt Andersen - Olympic Stadium / Sports Desk

12,50 € *

Curt Andersen - Plants For Tomorrow / Luccombe Common

12,50 € *

Curt Andersen - Rhumbos Citros / Dancing In The Starlight

12,50 € *