inferior average copy with more noticeable rubs and marks; light greying, some scratches possible accordant *E-*
Page 47 of 87
Items 691 - 705 of 1303

Johnny Messner - Concerto For Two / A Clarinet In Haunted House

9,90 € *

Dinah Shore - There ´ll Be Some Changes Made / They Didn´ t Believe Me

8,50 € *

Harry James - East Coast Blues / The Last Mile

9,90 € *

Harry James and his Orchestra - Keb-Lah / You'll never know

8,50 € *

Jo Stafford and Frankie Lane - In The Cool,Cool,Cool Of The Evening / That's Good! That' s Bad !

8,50 € *

Cyril Stapelton - Lazy Mambo / Skin Deep

7,90 € *
8,50 € *

Paul Whiteman - Stumbling / Georgia

7,50 € *

Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra - I Love You / The Liefe of a Rose

7,50 € *

Nat Shilkret - You were Meant for Me / Broadway Melody

6,50 € *

Rita Paul - Toxi-Lied / Liebe Sonne, mach' mich braun

6,50 € *
Old price: 8,50 €

Les Brown - Triskaidekaphobia / Dawn on FIfty-Second Street

8,50 € *

Leroy Anderson - Tango Azul / Violinando

9,90 € *

Max Bygraves - Tomorrow / C-R-A-Z-Y Music

8,50 € *

Charlie Linville - Yes You Did / Snow Deer

11,50 € *