inferior average copy with more noticeable rubs and marks; light greying, some scratches possible accordant *E-*
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Items 1 - 7 of 7

Jack Payne - The Clouds will soon roll by / Underneath the arches

6,50 € *

Heinz Munsonius - Tutti-Frutti / Herz-Solo

7,50 € *

Heinz Munsonius, Harmonika mit seinen Solisten - Huckepack / Treppauf - Treppab

5,00 € *

Reginald Dixon - Dancing Time No.5

9,90 € *

Heinz Munsonius - Sprit / Prickelnder Sekt

7,50 € *

Jack Payne - Paradise / Lullaby of the leaves

6,50 € *

Eddie Cantor - Over somebody else's shoulder / The man on the flying Trapeze

9,90 € *