inferior average copy with more noticeable rubs and marks; light greying, some scratches possible accordant *E-*
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Items 1 - 14 of 14

Bruno Kittel-Chor - Mozart Requiem: a) Requiem b) Kyrie eleison / a) Dis irae b) Tuba mirum

8,50 € *

Koloman von Pataky, Tenor und Heinr. Schlusnus, Bariton - La Forza del Destino / La Bohème

5,00 € *

Don-Kosaken-Chor: Serge Jaroff - Der rote Sarafan / Prinz Oleg

5,00 € *

Don Kosaken-Chor: Serge Jaroff - Ich glaube / Herr, öffne mir die Türen

5,00 € *

Don Cossacks Choir - On the Road to St. Petersburg / The Twelve Robbers

6,50 € *

International Concert Orchestra - The Skaters / Estudiantina

7,50 € *

Waldo-Favre Chor - Maske in Blau

6,50 € *

Irmler-Madrigal-Chor - Ave Maria / Vespergesang

6,50 € *

Dr. Weißmann - Japanischer Laternentanz / Chinesische Straßenserenade

6,50 € *

Nonconformist Choir Union Festival - Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven / Sing Alleluia Forth

5,95 € *
Old price: 9,90 €
6,49 € *
Old price: 7,50 €

Don Cossacks Choir - Monotonously rings the little bell / Song of the Volga boatman

5,00 € *

Bamberger Symphoniker: Ferdinand Leitner - Die Macht des Schicksals (Verdi) / La Traviata (Verdi)

12,80 € *

Nonconformist Choir Union Festival - Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven / Sing Alleluia Forth

5,00 € *