inferior average copy with more noticeable rubs and marks; light greying, some scratches possible accordant *E-*
Page 6 of 17
Items 76 - 90 of 241

7,90 € *

De Groot - Romance / I love you

6,90 € *

Spike Jones - Minka / Lassus Trombone

7,50 € *

Edwin H. Lemare - Andantino in D Flat / Träumerei

4,50 € *

Yehudi Menuhin - Concerto No.1 in G Minor, Op. 26 ( 2 Records)

9,90 € *

Galli-Curci und De Luca - Imponente! / Dita Alla Giovine

8,50 € *

Mischa Levitzki - Concerto No. 1 in E Flat Major (Seite 1 und 2)

5,00 € *
5,00 € *

New Light Symphony Orchestra - Kamennoi-Ostrow, Op. 10 No. 22 / Liebesträume

5,90 € *
5,50 € *

Mayfair Orchestra - The Maid of the Mountains, Selection I and II

5,90 € *

Beniamino Gigli - Serenade / Notturno D'Amore

6,50 € *

Marek Weber - Carmen, Selection Part I und II

6,50 € *

Savoy Orpheans - No No Nanette / Rose-Marie

8,50 € *

Dinah Shore, Tony Martin - In your arms / A penny a kiss

7,50 € *