inferior average copy with more noticeable rubs and marks; light greying, some scratches possible accordant *E-*
Page 5 of 17
Items 61 - 75 of 241

Johnny Guitar - Das ist der Trick / Die Lappenpolka

6,50 € *

The Romaine Orchestra - Horsey keep your tail up / Shifting Sands

7,50 € *

Donald Peers - It happend in Adano / A strawberry moon

6,50 € *

Semprini - La Comparsa / Malaguena

3,50 € *
Old price: 6,50 €

Helen Louise and Frank Ferera - Aloha Land / Hawaii I'm lonesome for you

6,50 € *

Tito Schipa - O Colombina, il tenero fido Arlecchin / Chiudo gli occhi

7,50 € *
12,50 € *

Len Hughes - Minnie from Trinidad / Candelight Waltz

Price on application

The London Palladium Orchestra - Lightning Switch Teil I und II

8,50 € *

The Revellers - Lucky Day / I'm looking over a four -leaf Clover

19,90 € *

Donald Peers - Let's do it again / Daddy's little girl

8,50 € *

Joe Loss - Down forget-me-not lane / I hear a Rhapsody

7,50 € *

Mario Lanza - Golden Days / Deep in my Heart Dear

6,50 € *

Ray Rogers - Me and my Teddy Bear / Buffalo Billy

9,90 € *

Per Grunden - Du blev min var / Jag vet, jag vet, jag vet

5,00 € *