inferior average copy with more noticeable rubs and marks; light greying, some scratches possible accordant *E-*
Page 4 of 8
Items 46 - 60 of 107

Jack McVea - The Key's in the Mailbox / Richard gets hitched

6,50 € *

Das war eine köstliche Zeit / ... klein

19,90 € *
12,50 € *

The Harmonic Orchestra: Wal-Berg - Parlour Game / Strings In The Strand

12,50 € *

Quartett-Gesang - Nur im Herzen wohnt die Liebe / Beim Liebchen zu Haus

12,50 € *

Orchester - Die Post im Walde / Die Dorfschmiede

14,50 € *
9,90 € *

Guitar Gable - Guitar Rhumbo / The Gladiolas - Little Darlin`

14,50 € *

Ken Griffin - You Can`t Be True , Dear / Cuckoo Waltz

8,90 € *

Bon Bon - Truthfully / I´m Thinking Twice

9,90 € *

Pierre De Deken - De Boeren Rock N`Roll / Ik Sybille

5,99 € *

Eve Lombard - The Birds And The Bees / Whatever Will Be, Will Be ( Que Sera Sera )

14,90 € *

Johnny Dodds' Hot Six - Sweep'em Clean / My Girl

9,90 € *

Pat Boone - Don't Forbid Me / Anastasia

8,50 € *
14,50 € *