inferior average copy with more noticeable rubs and marks; light greying, some scratches possible accordant *E-*
Page 12 of 23
Items 166 - 180 of 332

Erwin Hartung - Freut euch des Lebens

5,50 € *
Old price: 7,50 €

Vico Torrani - Spanisches Abenteuer / Mein Herz sagt ja

6,50 € *

Raymond Legrand - Thohama: Pigalle / Bilbao

12,50 € *

Ethel Smith - Quizas, Quizas, Quizas / Made for each other

8,50 € *

The Johnston Brothers - Papa Loves Mambo / Mambo in the Moonlight

16,50 € *

Die Sunnies und die Telestars - Kann ein Mann so treu sein? / Charly's Dixieland

6,50 € *

King Cole Trio - Call The Police / Hit That Jive Jack

19,90 € *

Vico Torriani und Chor - Mandolino / Simonetta

3,00 € *
Old price: 4,50 €

Borrah Minevitch - Limehouse Blues / You Are My Lucky Star

9,90 € *

Charlie Kunz - Kunz Revivals No.23

8,50 € *

Die Kihula-Hawaiians - In Honolulu in der Hafenbar / Am weißen Strand von Soerabaya

5,00 € *

Hazel Scott - The Man I Love / Fascinating Rhythm

9,90 € *

Joan Regan - Two Kinds Of Tears / Wait For Me Darling

8,50 € *

Ambrose And His Orchestra - Tristesse / I´m In Love For The Last Time

8,50 € *

The Southlanders - Put a light in the Window / Penny Loafers and Bobby Socks

8,50 € *