Nicht mehr ganz GOOD+ aber noch zu gut für GOOD
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Adele Rowland - When You See Another Sweetie Hanging Around / Mammy Mine

4,00 € *

Hollywood Dance Orchestra - Girl of my Dreams / AMong the pines of Maine

5,00 € *

Zeke Manners - When my Blue Moon turns to Gold again / I betcha my Heart I Love You

5,00 € *

Victor Orchestra / Arthur Pryor's Band - Glow Worm / In Lover's Lane

5,00 € *

Tony Pastor - Doin' the Ratamacue / Flag Weaver

4,00 € *

Caney / Noro Morales - Rumba Rhapsody / Caribbean Serenade

4,00 € *

Carmen Cavallaro - I'll see you in my Dreams (5 Records)

9,90 € *

Four Aces - Melody of Love / There is a Tavern in the Town

3,50 € *

Alma Gluck - My Laddie / unbespielt

5,00 € *

Charles Harrison - She's the Daughter of Mother Machree / My Mother's Rosary

5,00 € *

John Barnes Wells - Memories / One Fleeting Hour

5,00 € *

John McCormack - Somewhere a Voice is calling / unbespielt

5,00 € *

John McCormack - Tales of Hoffman / unbespielt

5,00 € *

John McCormack, Fritz Kreisler - Ave Maria / unbespielt

5,00 € *

Peerless Quartet - For your Boy and my Boy / When you come back

5,00 € *