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Items 31 - 45 of 67

Jan August, Piano Magic - Ol' man river / Some of these days

7,50 € *

Jan August, Piano Magic - Warsaw Concerto with Liebestraum / Dizzy Fingers

8,50 € *

Henry Busse - The Lady from 29 Palms / Jalousie

6,50 € *

George Kainapau - Ke Kali nei au / Lovely Hula Hands

16,50 € *

Hoagy Carmichael and his Orchestra - I don't know why / I can't get started

8,90 € *

Boyd Raeburn and his Orchestra - Boyd Meets Stravinsky / I only have eyes for you

9,90 € *
Old price: 19,90 €

Boyd Raeburn and his Orchestra - Boyd Meets Stravinsky / I only have eyes for you

14,50 € *

Roy Smeck - Drifting and dreaming / Let me call you sweetheart

19,90 € *

Gabriele Vanorio - Serenata Napulitana / Tiempe belle - Canzone napoletana

9,90 € *

Various - Voice of the Stars Coronation Edition

16,50 € *

Various - Voice of the Stars No 3

16,50 € *

Jan Lambert - Une Chanson / Un Jour je te dirai

9,90 € *

Vivien Garry Quartet - Hopscotch / Where you at

18,50 € *

Mills Brothers - Basin Street Blues / unbespielt

19,90 € *

Sydney Baynes' Band / Stanford Robinson - Phantom Brigade / Lil' Liza Jane

8,50 € *