record has a crack
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Items 1 - 12 of 12

Collection Ages-Memnon - Avions / Avions (Geräusche-Platte, Noises)

2,00 € *

Collection Ages-Memnon - Guerre / Guerre (Geräusche-Platte, Noises)

2,00 € *
2,00 € *

Tullio Serafin - Verdi Aida: Opera Completa Vol II (10 Platten)

35,50 € *

Edwin Fischer - Mozart Concerto G-Dur: K. 453 (3 Platten)

15,00 € *

Eartha Kitt -Two Lovers / Uska Dara

5,00 € *

Jimmy Yancey - Swing Music 1944 Series No. 579 / Swing Music 1944 Series No. 580

2,00 € *

Tito Schipa - Ideale / Marechiare

2,00 € *

Wingie Manone - Swing Music 1943 Series 551 / Swing Music 1943 Series 552

2,00 € *

Lionel Hampton - My last affair / Stompology

2,00 € *

Robert Gaden / Ray Noble - Yoshiwara / Slumming on Park Avenue

2,00 € *
2,00 € *