Ballad / Chanson / Dance Music

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Items 1 - 15 of 33

Lucienne Boyer - Si L'on avait Enregistre / J'ai Grandi

13,50 € *

Victor Silvester And His Ballroom Orchestra - Cascade Of Gold / Buenaventura

6,50 € *
Old price: 9,90 €

Carroll Gibbons and his Boy Friends - Judy / Stars fell on Alabama

6,50 € *
Old price: 12,30 €

Georges Ulmer - Hotel des Artistes / Copenhague

7,50 € *
Old price: 16,50 €

Das B. B. C. Tanz-Orchester: Henry Hall - Sweethearts of Yesterday, Part I and II

8,50 € *

Victor Silvester - 12th Street Rag / One Night of Love

7,50 € *
14,50 € *

Columbia Dance Band - Wenn du mich sitzen lässt, fahr ich sofort nach Budapest / Mein Darling

8,50 € *

Henry Hall - There's a song they sing at a sing song in sing sing / Animal crackers in my soup

16,50 € *

MM. Pills & Tabet - Le petit Theatre / Pourquoi t'es-tu teinte?

8,50 € *

MM. Jacques Pills et Georges Tabet - La fille de lévy / Couchés dans le foin

9,90 € *

Reginald Foresythe - Berceuse for an unwanted child / Garden of weed

29,90 € *

The new B.B.C. Dance Orchestra - Rusticanella / An old Violin

12,50 € *

Lucienne Boyer - Parle-moi.. / Prenez mes roses

17,50 € *
Old price: 22,50 €

Henry Hall - Masquerading in the Name of Love / Sad is the Willow

16,50 € *