78 rpm

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Artikel 1 - 15 von 37

Hellmut Schweebs - Register Arie aus "Don Juan"

8,50 € *
Alter Preis: 17,50 €

Gunnar Graarud, Nanny Larsen-Todsen - Tristan und Isolde 31 - Akt 2 / Tristan und Isolde 32 - Akt 2

6,00 € *

Nanny Larsen-Todsen - Tristan und Isolde 39 - Akt 3 / Tristan und Isolde 40 - Akt 3

6,00 € *

Charles Williams - London Fantasia, Part I and II

6,50 € *

Cyril Smith - Concerto No. 3 in D Minor for Piano and Orchestra Part V and VI

6,00 € *

Debroy Somers Band - Classics in Cameo No. 1 Pianoforte, Part I and II

6,50 € *

Sir Hamilton Harty - Hungarian Rhapsody No. 12, Part I and II

6,50 € *

Sir Thomas Beecham - La Gazza Ladra, Ouverture Part I and II

6,50 € *

The Philadelphia Orchestra: Bruno Walter - Symphony No.6 in F Major, Part V and VI

6,00 € *

Milan Symphony Orchestra: Lorenzo Molajoli - The Fountains of Rome, Part I to IV (2 Records)

9,90 € *

Leopold Stokowsky - The White Peacock, Beginning and Conclusion

9,90 € *

Lorenzo Molajoli - La Traviata Teil I und Teil IV

8,50 € *

Muriel Brunskill - St. Paul Recit and Aria / There is a green hill far away

9,90 € *

Das Philharmonia Orchester - Ouvertüre zu: Die diebische Elster Teil I und II

8,50 € *

Orchestre Symphonique De Vienne - Un Nuit A Venise / Le Calife De Bagdad

7,50 € *