78 rpm

Seite 7 von 85
Artikel 91 - 105 von 1275

Circolo Mandolinistico Giuseppe Verdi of Leghorn - The Belfry / Dance of the waves

4,00 € *
Alter Preis: 6,50 €

Dinah Shore - The Stanley Steamer / Far away places

7,50 € *

Jimmy Rodgers - Better loved you'll never be / Kisses sweeter than wine

22,50 € *

Jimmy Rodgers - Their hearts were full of Spring / Honey Comb

22,50 € *

Jo Stafford - Early Autumn / Jambalaya

8,50 € *

Johnnie Ray - Cry / The little white cloud that cried

9,90 € *

Orchestre de Danse Alexander - Le Capitaine Craddock / Aprés L'amour

5,50 € *
Alter Preis: 8,50 €

Rafael Canaro et son Orchestre - Desconfiale / Salud ... Salud

6,50 € *
Alter Preis: 9,90 €

Tino Rossi - Bambinella / Serenade Sans Espoir

6,50 € *
Alter Preis: 9,90 €

Tino Rossi - Reginella Campagnola / Mexikanische Serenade

6,50 € *
Alter Preis: 12,50 €

Tino Rossi - Reginella Campagnola / Mexikanische Serenade

6,50 € *
Alter Preis: 9,90 €

Barbara Lyon - Stowaway / The Pendulum Song

7,50 € *

Johnnie Ray - Walkin' my Baby back home / What's the use

6,50 € *

Lecuona Cuban Boys - Maria Belen Chacon - Son Cubano / Rumba Tambah - Rumba Negre

3,50 € *
Alter Preis: 15,30 €

Rudy Wiedoeft, Saxophone Solo - Sax-o-phon / La Cinquantaine

19,90 € *