25 cm ( 10"' )

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Items 31 - 45 of 145

Frankie Laine - Rock of Gibraltar / High Noon

2,00 € *

Tennessee Ernie Ford - Give me your word / River of no return

2,00 € *

The Goldman Band - Cheerio / Jolly Coppersmith

2,00 € *

BRUCHPLATTE Lale Andersen - Sing, Nachtigall sing"! / Schäferlied

5,00 € *

Friedl Lusser - I'm always Happy / When I sing my Yodel song

2,00 € *

Jay Laurier - I like Kissing / Let's have a Jolly good cry

2,00 € *

Jack Payne - After your kiss / I'd like to find the guy that wrote the Stein Song

2,00 € *

Harry Shalson - Blue Heaven / There´s A Rickety Rackety Shack

2,00 € *

Organ Solo: Terance Casey - I'm lonely / Bird Songs at Eventide

2,00 € *

Mis Hue Lee - Rose, Rose, I Love You / An Autumn Melody

40,00 € *

Mr. Sydney Coltham - Melisande in the Wood / A memory

5,00 € *

Yeh-Lai-Hsiang / Omolde no Byakuran

50,00 € *

Fred van Eps / John J, Kimmel - Irish Hearts / Medley of Jigs

2,00 € *

Monica Lewis, Ames Brothers - A tree in the Meadow / On the Street of regret

2,00 € *

Moran and Mack - Foolishments / Esau Buck

2,00 € *